Temporary Heat Solutions Combat Cold Weather, Keep Landscaping Project for New Temple and Meetinghouse on Schedule

June 26, 2023

For contractors performing work in the Northern Rockies and Plains regions of the United States, dealing with the elements and working around extended cold snaps is a known challenge. Finding an equipment rental provider whose fleet and services are up to the task can sometimes be the largest contributor—or barrier—to a project’s success.

Porter Bros. Inc., a family-owned commercial construction company based outside of Phoenix, Az., was contracted for the landscaping of the new Helena Montana Temple and Meetinghouse. This temple was slated to be the second in operation in Montana—a state home to more than 50,000 Latter-day Saints—and had a dedication date of mid-June 2023. In order to finish the landscaping on time, the Porter Bros. team partnered with 1 Source Portable Air (1 Source) for their temporary HVAC needs.

With the landscaping portion of the project kicking off in the late winter and early spring months, maintaining consistently warm temperatures in the work area was critical. During the project, the ground was frozen quite deep and was unworkable, with temperatures ranging down to -20 degrees F. Providing temporary heat solutions that could not only thaw the frozen ground, but also keep the workers warm, were the top two priorities needed from the 1 Source team.

To mitigate the intense cold, 1 Source provided multiple heaters, including five 400,000 BTU indirect fired heaters and two 200,000 BTU make-up air heaters, as well as multiple gas hoses, ducting, and propane fuel delivery for the units. In addition to supplying the equipment, 1 Source also provided full installation services, including running all of the gas line and power connections. One technician even battled a massive snowstorm to complete the installation on time.

Thanks to the reliability of 1 Source’s equipment and team members, as well as the solid work put in by Porter Bros., the landscaping was finished ahead of schedule and well in advance of the temple’s opening.